Monday, June 14, 2010

The high hanging fruit

This is not my first time trying to lose weight. I have followed Atkins, and various low calorie diets since I was about 17. How many times have I joined Weight Watchers?

I'd say about once every two years, I go on a serious diet. In general, I lose about twenty pounds. Then I gain it all back. The best "diet" for me seems to be Weight Watchers, where I am strong for about 12 weeks. In fact, that is my record: 12 weeks.

As anyone who has followed WW (or any other reasonable health plan), you can't un-know what you know. Points values are seared into my soul, even when I am on a food tear, eating crappy food in the car on the way home from work to tide me over for dinner.

On one hand, that makes life easier now that I am trying to live a healthy life again. I have been through the routine before, I know the points, I know the score. But I think the downsides loom larger: first, I have the huge emotional obstacle of wondering why this time will be any different than other attempts. Second, I have grabbed the low hanging fruit, the "easy" substitutes and tips to incorporate in my life. I don't drink (much) soda - and NEVER non diet. I only buy whole wheat bread... and lots of fruits and veges... and drink 12 cups of water a day... (and eat too much, by the way)

I also work out ("move more"). Every day, or almost every day, cardio, conditioning, yoga. I've gone through the highs and lows of training for and finishing marathons and triathlons.

Great, right? Except that this means I have no tricks left up my sleeve - no 12-week successes because the weight won't come off quickly. The trick I must master this time is perseverance, consistency, patience. This is LIFE, not a summer weight loss experiment. It's a change in mind set that every successful weight loss tale begins with - "I realized that this wasn't a diet, but a new way of living." I am not there yet.

That's the reason the blog is named "high hanging fruit." I am reaching for the no-gimmick, real deal, life-changing healthy living plan. My goal is TIME, so I will view every weekly entry on this blog as the victory.

No more tricks. No more starving afternoons to hoard points for dinner. This is life, and I am searching for what works.

I hope I am still posting in 13 weeks. That's my first step.

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