Monday, June 7, 2010

Two workouts

I have a hate-hate relationship with running. I have done the training/race schedules for all sorts of distances. I have endured countless three mile maintenance runs. I have been faster and I have been slow (mostly slow).

I hate running. I dread it in the morning. I hate it while it is happening. And when it is finished, I start anticipating the next run.

People talk about runner's high, but I have never ever felt it. The closest I have come to a runner's high is "Ok, this is not so bad..."

Last night, my husband wanted to go for a run. It's been hot and humid for a bunch of days, and the weather suddenly got wonderful - a perfect pre-dinner cardio opportunity. After a few steps of jogging, I just stopped and walked instead. This has been happening a lot.

Over the next hour, I walked about four miles. And berated myself the whole time. This isn't cardio! This isn't really going to get you skinny!

That was one workout.

Today, I went to my favorite class with Natalie. She is a fabulous instructor and class is so unique. It is a standing cardio class with some dance, aerobics and lots of plies/squats. It is a tough hour.

Sometime in the middle of class, I felt my abs and soaz and hip flexors connecting. I have never felt that before. I always hear that these are connected in pilates classes, but I never felt it. It completely changed the class, and I feel great.

That was two workouts.

I like how I felt after the second workout - instead of fighting myself and my body with the running, I should be challenging and strengthening myself. I am contemplating taking a full break from running. What if I just stop? So what if I don't run the races?

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